Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering:

During the month of September our Church will be receiving gifts for the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering. Our church goal is $1, 250.

The Samford University Worship Group:

 Sunday evening, October 6th at 6 pm. Please make plans to come and worship. Invite a friend.

Minister and Staff Appreciation
Fellowship Lunch:

 Sunday October 20th after the morning service. 
The church will provide the meat and drinks. Everyone is asked to bring their favorite covered dish and/or dessert. 

Quarterly WMU Meeting:

Monday, October 21st at 6 pm, at New Ebenezer Baptist Church. Guest speaker will be Scotty Goldman.

Annual Alabama Crenshaw Baptist Association: 

The ACBA will be having its annual meeting on October 24th at 3:45 PM. South Luverne Baptist Church will be the host church.

Speeders Trip:

On Friday, October 25th the SPEEDERS will make a trip to Enterprise for the Jingle Bell Market. This is an arts, craft, food, etc. event at the Civic Center. There is no charge for groups of seniors. There is a sign-up sheet on

the table.

Strength to Stand Conference

 Strength to Stand Conference on January 18th-20th in Pigeon Forge Tennessee. The cost for each person is $150. Half of the payment is due November 15th and the final payment is due December 15th. For more information see Thomas Clark.

Resource Table

 Don't forget to grab some FREE resources from our church resource table in the main foyer. Books, Bibles, study tools, and Gospel tracks to help with your Christian growth. Just please USE them and pass them on! There is also a donation box if you'd like to donate to the expense of providing these resources for free.

Warm Clothes Collection

SLBC is collecting any kind of warm clothes for the Clothes Closet, which is a part of the association. New or slightly used, just please make sure they are in decent condition. (Adults and Children)
A tote is in the foyer for you to drop the clothing off.

Needed: Hospital Gown Donations

Alabama Association WMU is asking for several items to be donated if you would like: 5 hospital gowns for men, 4 small men's pajama set, 8 med men's pajama set, 3-2x women's pajama set, and gripper socks. We will be collecting these items for the next 2 weeks. A tote is in the hallway for you to drop your items off.