Resource Table: Don't for get to grab some FREE resources from our church resource table in the main foyer. Books, Bibles, study tools, and Gospel tracts to help with your Christian growth. Just please USE them and pass them on! There is also a donation box if you'd like to donate to the expense of providing these resources for free.
Valentine's Day Banquet: Ladies Tapestry Ministry presents "God is Love" Valentine's Day Banquet, Friday February 14th at 6 pm. A signup sheet is in the hallway for you to sign up. Our youth will be providing childcare. It's not just for couples. Please make plans to attend. It is a wonderful time to fellowship with one another.
SLBC Post Office: is now open and ready for business. Please "mail" your cards by the first letter of the recipient's last name. Any donations you would like to give for our post office will be given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions.
Ladies Bible Study: Beginning February 27th. The cost of the book is $20. If you are interested, a signup sheet is in the hallway.
Men's Brotherhood: Anyone interested in becoming a part of the Men's Brotherhood Ministry there is a form in the hallway to fill out.
Common People Committed to Fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ
Weekly Ministries
9:45am | Sunday School for ALL AGES
10:55am | Morning Service
6:00pm | Evening Adult, Youth,
and Children's Services
6:00pm | Bible Study | Childcare Provided
6:00pm | Adult, Youth,
and Awana
6:30am | Men's Prayer Breakfast
10:00 am | Girls Bible Study
Will start again, Saturday, August 17th. We will be going through the book of Ruth. We start at 10 AM at SLBC. All girls aged 12-17 are welcome, we would love to have you!